Monday, April 17, 2006

Pressure of Life

You can feel it
at the
base of your brain,
a dull throb,
an unending
painful pulsing
throbing headache.

Banging away...

but as serious
as a heart attack............................................that WILL NOT GO AWAY!

and there is a knocking at the door
and the phone is ringing and
the baby is crying and
you just want to
go back to bed
and start
all over

It is the Pressure of life. holding us down
like gravity
Keeping us grounded
day after meaningless day

Oh, come on-
don't be so damn
You have thoughts
...and feelings
admit it!

and don'tcry;
"I'm so confused..."

Cause I got news for you, sister- we all are;
and we all
have headaches.

There I said it.
and I feel better now.
The pain is subsiding,
for the moment.

Lets talk about you.
You know,
I could be an ax murderer or
something bizzarre, you
never know- do ya? but
after all-
let's all,
just be

Right about now-
if you've stuck it out this far,
your probably wondering;
Hey! What's the fucks up with Poly?
Has he really lost it?

And I will answer most affectionately,
Hey! this is me when
I'm feeling most happy,

I miss you all.


Crazy Dan said...

hey, I don't have feelings.. sniff sniff!! I liked the pictures went well with what your saying.

jin said...

If there's anyone out there that hasn't considered being an axe murderer...there's something wrong with them!

Personally, I could never commit suicide. I've simply decided that if it gets that awful there are way too many people I gotta take out first! You'll read it in the headlines: "Baker goes insane! Cuts up 50 people with a frosting knife, while piping buttercream roses in the sockets where their eyeballs used to be...."

*jin looks around sheepishly*
I didn't say that out loud, did I?

Cherry! said...

My fave pic was the third one. The feeling I'm trying to combat at the moment: Jealousy. Such a wasted emotion. I hope it goes soon!

Mystical Me said...

That was deep man!! I hope all is well babe. Please do take care of yourself sweety. Love always, MM XOXO

morbid misanthrope said...

Just another day in quicksand, man.

When I get sad, I like to do interpretive dances to Vanilla Ice CDs while playing a kazoo. It cheers me right up. No, wait; that's not it. What I meant to say is drinking alcohol cheers me up. Well, not so much cheers me up as numbs the pain. I don't know; I just drink a lot.

Becky said...

It's all a matter of choice. Choose to be pleasant or choose to be smart.....

Lee Ann said...

I have a terrible headache today :(

Polyman2 said...

Thanks Dan,
Cheer up...feelings suck anyway-
especially when they rule.
...and I appreciate the kind words...sob, sob-
there I go again.

See Jin-
you have had thoughts,
it's like;
silence of the buttercream frosting.

Hey chitelier-
Monty Python rules!

Ice- I hear ya!
Can always count on you for a kind encouraging word, thanks mate.

Alway enjoy your visits.
Yea, jealousy bites- like they say:
"jealousy is all the fun you think
they had...ha!

Mystical, my little waif,
I luv your visits,
...and deep matches my eyes-
like 2 pools of emerald.

They say man:
"Alcohol is like love; The first kiss is magic, the 2nd is intimate, the 3rd routine. After that you take the girls clothes off." ha, ha.

Becky- How bout pleasant & smart?

lee ann,
If you do, that sucks- I suffered from them for years. You know- Loud music, cars and lifestyle will do it.

Could be nerves...

L said...

A very nice emotional filled post. ;)

Lori said...

great post as always polyman!! i love the pic at the end, i think it gives it the perfect ending!! hope you had a wonderful easter

Cherry! said...

OMG!! I love that! 'Jealousy is all the fun you think they had'.

Anonymous said...

I was here yesterday, but just as I was leaving a comment, I had a slight emergency--and had to go.
Anyhow, Aren't U talented here. I'm impressed! I like! I thought it was beautiful. Do U write-(outside of the blog community?)
U should! U'r words just seem to

Webmiztris said...

cheer up - it's Friday! ;)

Polyman2 said...

Hi Lori,
I am mr. Emotion.

Hi Princess,
Thank You, They tell me I had an
excellent Easter...
By now it's a blurr. All apologies, it took me so long to get back here to answer the gang.

Cherry- I'm jealous.

Writing is just a non-paying hobby, that's all. Never turned into anything much. Some creative writing.
Years back, I wrote with more passion, now I write more out of desperation and dissatisfaction.
...and I write best when in the dark. As I usually am...thanks.

Capt. I think i'm on the same slow sailing ship as you, I gave up finding the time to blog & realize I do when I can...I wish I could stay current with all you dudes & dudettes, but work is a real monkey on my back- then, there's family know the story...

Shannon- Wow! Hot new profile pic,
but then again all of yours are.
...and "Colleen" is a name for a young Irish lass, surely you've heard that before.
Your very pic makes me smile.

Miztris, "Put on a happy face."

Making peace at the end of the day sounds nice.
Me? I haven't had much peace. Been banged around too long- always in a hurry lately-
maybe that's a sign of aging.
25 years ago, I had more vim & vigor, Now I just suffer from vigor-mortis.

Le Chitelier,
Python is the best.
Just watched "Meaning of Life" again. Hysterical!

jin said...

Hey Poly, I just linked you!

Was it as good for you as it was for me? Heeheehee ;-)

P.S. Python's Catholic song is Classic!!!

Zen Wizard said...

I think your biorhythms are probably on the upswing after that.

Michele said...

Hey poly i could never be an axe murderer too messy.The blood would
be all over the place..i rather shoot at a distance.

Polyman2 said...

Jin- Your the best, and so sweet,
I just had a fantasy of completly covering you in real whip cream
and...well, the rest is in my bad boy imagination.

Shannon, I'm yours.

Well hello, zen wizard-
I am on a Poly high after that.

Michelle, cute.
I on the other hand, am an

Cha Cha said...


Everytime I come here, I am amazed at your sheer Presence.

Your words stream from you in a rhythm that forces the power of your emotion into my head.

And everything you do is so visual.

The way you combine an image with the turn of a phrase is truly inspiring, Mr. Poly.

You don't have to post that often.

Cos what you say in your prose sticks with me for a long time to come.

Thank you for that.

You da shit, Poly Guy.

And, Mr.'re pretty coolass too. How I laugh at your comments! I love kazoos. Especially when I've been drinking.

Polyman2 said...

When I read comments like yours, I feel motivated to create more than I do, but time is a real factor.
Huggggs and kissesss, my love.

Mone said...

Hi poly, what a great post! I feel like you are talking right out of my heart. So I'm going to link you now and I'll be back more often :)
See ya.

Polyman2 said...

mone- Your all right!