Monday, June 19, 2006

The struggle in my mind ( my promise)

It's all an Illusion.

What is real and
what is not,
and all the spaces
in between,
in shades of gray and
black and white and
oh, there I go again.
I need to take something
to bring me back
to reality.
My mind is in
a bad place.

I long for diversion and excitement.

"I fear I have grown stagnant,"
he said, eyeing the thick rope draped across the chair
and then the overhead beam.
He took a long toke of the joint and exhaled slowly.

There was a time when you would dance before me


with your long hair shimmering

in the moonlight and

I would take you in my arms and

kiss your lips so gently.

So young, sweet innocent eyes trusting my words...

my intentions, my promise;
"How I love you,"
...and you gave yourself to me totally
I have never betrayed that trust.

...and yet,
from time to time
a passing thought
a fanciful fantasy causes me
to struggle with questions
of right and wrong,
and the temptations that besiege me.
because I am a man
and I will not yield.

Nor will I harm you
or myself,
nor damage what
we have built together,
for 20 years

for a whim.


Lee Ann said...

Strange picture at the top. Very lovely words Poly!
I have one last picture for you!

jin said...

Amazing pictures as always poly!

As for the stagnancy...someone recently told me that it can disappear with passions desperately hoping it's true!

After 20 years, there's gotta be something special between the two of you.

As for the whims...AHA! That's why there is:
1. blogflirt
2. chocolate


Theresa said...

Better to write about it here. Momentary thrills aren't worth it; not just because you betray her trust, but because you betray your own integrity.

Mone said...

You put it in very nice words, Poly... sometimes it helps just to stop from everyday life and to do something unusual or different together...

AristoNeeks said...

you and i, man-of-many, have much in common..

Sunny Delight said...

poly lovely, and somehow heartbreaking, maybe heart is past that place...and doesn't really want to be

Tiffanie said...

You cause me to ponder things.

L said...

Whims come and go, 20 years theres somethere that makes you stay.

Crabby said...

Wow. beautiful and sad. But mostly, really nice, Poly. Really.

morbid misanthrope said...

Am I the only one who thinks Polyman2 should totally hit that shit? Just kidding. Twenty years is one hell of an investment. You're too smart to fuck that up.

Polyman2 said...

Lee ann,
Truly weird, that's why I like it. Their a dream fantasy.
only in my mind. Thanks.

I'm a big blogflirt and chocclate sounds great-must eat more!
...and yeah 20 years does seem amazing to me. I'm a guy that never lasted more than 3 months with the same girl.

Theresa- So true, saw my father fall when I was 18, and saw the unreversable damage it did to the whole family.

Mone, Before kids, we used to go out dancing and dining a lot. Over the years, and with our crazy schedules- we're luck to even eat dinner together on workdays.
Sundays' are the special day now,
mostly just a family day.

neko- I feel that is true.

Sunny, I know I have something special going on and would be a fool to jeopardize it.
...and your heart seems fine to me.

I guess we all change over the years. But that spark of new love
was always exciting to me.
Mrs P. is still so cute & funny,
and I still chase her. You know,
I'm 9 years older than her.

Tiffanie- I spend half my life in ponder.

Lori- Soooo true! Even though sometimes it's a fragile raft.

crabcake- your always so kind, I missed you.

Morb- I do hit it!
The wife that is. That booty's the best I've ever had.

Webmiztris said...

whoa, that top pic is totally trippin me out!

ZooooM said...

As someone recently married, this is the thing that scares me the most. I don't want to grow apart. I don't want our existence to bore each other 5 10 20 years from now.

Many of my pals have not been so fortunate as to survive these times without going for the momentary thrill.

Manny said...

Now why don't I come up with stuff like this?

Way cool babe.

I think I should have been born a cartoon.

Cherry! said...

20 years? I can't crack three....

Great writing Poly!

Mystical Me said...

WOW!! That is very intense sweetheart, I see a struggle here. We all have that from time to time. Stays strong sweetie. I hope all is well with you!!

AristoNeeks said...

i need but reflect on the pain and hurt i have caused others in my past -– it designs my present. and mo(u)lds my future..

as someone much more intelligent than i once told me, change is inherent in all things.. everything changes.. times, life, people, places..

therefore, it is only natural that relationships must change also. which doesnt make them better or worse or boring..

just different.

Otis said...

The Dichotomy of Life...

right and wrong
real and what is not
shades of gray and black and white
excitement and stagnation

I like it.

Lee Ann said...

Hey Poly.....
I miss you, I have a question for you, please let me know what you think!

Dino said...

interesting pictures.

Becky said...

Hey roll playing is all cool! But bringing another into the bedroom, that can get bad, and quick! Just play around and talk dirty! Don't be too inhibited.

Polyman2 said...

Is she coming or going? Who cares?
Double your pleasure freak style.

When we look at our wedding video,
it's like almost all of those couples are broken up.
I think it's a question of accepting who your with a a person with flaws-
but as long as the postives outweigh the negatives, you'll be OK.

Cartoons aren't real?

Shannon, my problem that I have had to come to terms with is that I can't live in the past. It's got to be- Hey, that was nice, but now is more important & real. What can I do to make it nice for her and me? We have a history together, let's go from there.

thanks, this one took some thought
and almost deleted it about 10 times. Now I'm proud of it.

Cherry- Yeah 20 years, feels like yesterday when we met. I was a club DJ and she kept on bugging me for songs.
Somehow, I knew she was for me.

I think it is an ongoing struggle with anyone who is always looking for different experiences or thrills.

Neko- I have a whole closet full of skeletons, I try to get past the guilt thing. I guess the older we get the more experiences you have, the more apt you are to step on a few toes.
I'm a firm beleiver in fate.
...and change is thrust upon us, sometimes when we are at our weakest and most vulnerable. But do we have a choice? We can only pray that we grow together.

The Dichotomy of Life...
I like that. Thanks

Lee Ann-
Be right there.

Katy- I love interesting pictures.

Becky, just good clean innocent fun.

ing said...

Aww, Poly. You know and I know that all this is very normal. I wish relationships weren't so much work, though. I wish it could all be easy.

Lee Ann said...

Hey! Time for a new picture Poly cutie.
You can borrow one of me if you like. *giggle*

Polyman2 said...

ing, Nothing is easy, and I guess these feelings are universal.

Lee Ann, Thanks, Got to get working...

Crabby said...

psssssssst. Poly, new post, baby. I'm waiting here.

tap tap tap tap.

Manny said...

Poly, I'm with Crabby sweetie. Post something new.

Cartoons are so real! LOL

Polyman2 said...

Crabcake...I'm trying honey- I have so little time lately.

Ice, Hmmmm...Falcon Crest, got to try it. Lif is a bowl of cherries.
...and yes the twins, nice girls-

Manny, I know, I know.

Lee Ann said...

Have a fun and safe Fourth Poly!

Unknown said...

The first picture stopped me from reading further initially. But when I did the words struck me to the core... I wonder if my husband has felt the same or if he is choosing a different path. His temptations are different. And they burn. I wonder how far you read in my blog- or stopped at two... We have much in common. Not 20. Married 15, with 3 before...