Monday, July 24, 2006


It is a place that fascinates us from an early age.

and remains with us most of our life.
It is a place so intense that we are often ruled by it.
We call ourselves free, except when it comes to sexual matters.
There, we are greatly restricted.
Schools that should be teaching sex education buckle under pressure from
concerned citizen groups.



Even in the privacy of our own homes,
we are watched under suspicious eyes.

and TV & Radio producers are fined and pressured
as to the content of their shows if it is considered too racy for sensitive
moral-minded American audiences.
Many medical professionals, doctors, physiological, and philosophers
extol the benefits of sexual liberation
and its benefits to society.
They are often defamed
and defunct by political and religious zealot leaders
on the grounds of morality and
family values.
As a result of sexual repression, our society experiences
an increase of frustration, stress and
emotional instability.
And we hear of numerous violent sex crimes
committed by perps and pervs as a result of intense and
long term suppression of sexual desires.
Some studies have shown a decrease of such crimes
as much as 50% by societies who have legalized
pornography or other forms of sexual gratification.
So, why are we so pent up?

Monday, July 17, 2006

...and the angels weep.

Frightened beyond recognition.

Tears well in panic-strained eyes
as planes roar overhead

dropping thunderous deadly cargo.

Blinding flashes strobe-light the eerie blackened horizon

Burning wasteland.
godless pay dirt.

They are the warmongers
and the bearers of hell.

This is their recipe for victory.

Cry for all humanity

and the waste of life- not so precious
that they take it as their birthright
to annihilate

at will

Monday, July 10, 2006

A letter to George

"Hey George, Have you found Bin Laden yet?

Boy, we are in one fine mess-

A quagmire, it seems.

We can't stay and

we can't go.

and we are up to our ears

in shit.

Iraq is a shooting gallery,

and now we are caught

in a civil war.

...and we must fight.

...and there is nowhere to run.

...and the bodies keep piling up.

What to do...

What to do...

Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, North Korea...

Such world class problems, with no clear-cut answers.

Oh George, How kind will history be toward you?

You are so distracted by world politics

you forgot about us.

We are being overrun by illegal immigrants,

raped by your friends in big oil,

having our jobs exported,

while our seniors go homeless,

our young unable to afford a home,

and we are all taxed to death.

"You know, I don't like to get political, but you forced my hand...

I pity those who voted for you and your cronies, for you have let them down. I, on the other hand, never had high hopes for you and sad to say, got what I expected.

Is there now no one in politics to oppose you and your delusional sheltered frat-boy rich-boy cow-boy view of the real world and the dangers we face? Will no one come forward?"

In God we trust,

help us in our hour of need.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sea Food

"Can I turn around now?"