Monday, July 10, 2006

A letter to George

"Hey George, Have you found Bin Laden yet?

Boy, we are in one fine mess-

A quagmire, it seems.

We can't stay and

we can't go.

and we are up to our ears

in shit.

Iraq is a shooting gallery,

and now we are caught

in a civil war.

...and we must fight.

...and there is nowhere to run.

...and the bodies keep piling up.

What to do...

What to do...

Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, North Korea...

Such world class problems, with no clear-cut answers.

Oh George, How kind will history be toward you?

You are so distracted by world politics

you forgot about us.

We are being overrun by illegal immigrants,

raped by your friends in big oil,

having our jobs exported,

while our seniors go homeless,

our young unable to afford a home,

and we are all taxed to death.

"You know, I don't like to get political, but you forced my hand...

I pity those who voted for you and your cronies, for you have let them down. I, on the other hand, never had high hopes for you and sad to say, got what I expected.

Is there now no one in politics to oppose you and your delusional sheltered frat-boy rich-boy cow-boy view of the real world and the dangers we face? Will no one come forward?"

In God we trust,

help us in our hour of need.


jin said...

Exceptional pictures
to help illustrate
your intelligent words.

What can I say?

Just seems to keep getting worse!?

All we can do is take one day at a time & when we think our lives suck, remember there are people out there that have it a whole lot worse. I'm not proud of America at all...but are the alternatives any better???

I gotta I need to drown my sorrows in some chocolate!

Polyman2 said...

Wait...I'll join you- got any Sambuca?

Becky said...

Phosgene Kid posted this, but I totally had to steal it!

-----------------------------Excerpt from the Declaration of independence

That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence indeed, will dictate, that Governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.

jin said...

Sambuca....LMAO poly....I used to LOVE that stuff....made me giggly, wild & extremely randy! LOL!!!

morbid misanthrope said...

Can't say I agree with you completely, polyman2, but an interesting post none the less. I shall avoid getting into the details, because once I start blathering about politics, it can get a bit lengthy and impossible to stop.
Illegal immigration, dubya, ILLEGAL immigration...Godamnit...I'm a sad (and drunk) republican.

Cherry! said...

I just can't believe he got voted in again. That really suprised the hell outta me.

Polyman2 said...

I totally agree with this, but imagine trying to abolish our gov't?
They would not go peacefully,
It would be total civil war.

I think I would like you randy.

Morb- Yeah, Politics and religion-
2 topics very dear to people. Most times, I'd rather talk weather.

I'm with you on that.

Otis said...

Well said Polyman...I have some of the same thoughts myself.

Webmiztris said...

2008 can't come fast enough, can

Michele said...

Poly i wonder how the people
who voted for bush feel.
He has blood on his hands
and so do they.
Never trust a person who has
no lips,it's my new philosophy.

Anonymous said...

You guys need to not vote. The problem with the US is that it doesn't matter who wins the election. They both have the same globalist agenda. Democrat or republican is irrelevant. You elect a neo conservative bully!
You guys need to start a mass revolt against your totalitarian government. Stop believing the terrorist hype your government and media are brainwashing you with and bring your sons and daughters home from the bloodbath that is Iraq. Stop being a pawn for your government and start living your own lives. Make history. Just say no.

Pantyhose Diaries said... George's head up his own ass or Cheney's ass? I can never be sure.

Sunny Delight said...

Great post poly--you hit it right on the head (ass?)...and now I gotta know where can I get some of the at Sambuca?????

ZooooM said...

I usually don't comment on political things, as I'm not informed enough to do so.

But after hearing the President speak this last time, I actually shivered in embarrassment for us as a country.

That's about as much as I can say without going into a huge discussion about my views.

Mone said...

It's not only in the US Poly, its over here almost as bad too.
We put our guys into Kongo! The decission was made in the middle of the woldcup, so almost nobody noticed. What the hell do we want to secure elections in Kongo for?
Taxes and prices are raising steady, but the income stays the same. July 5th was this year the so called taxbreakday, meaning everything I earned till July fifth I earned to give to the goverment and after July fift the money I make is going into my pocket.Half of every year I'm working is wasted...
It's just not rigth the way the world is going now.

Cherry! said...

I think the only saving grace is that he CAN?T get voted in again! Two terms and you're done right?

Polyman2 said...

Otis- Good, then we are of the same mind- now that's scary eh?

Yes, but is the choice going to be the lesser of 2 evils as usual or do we get a real choice this time with a candidate not a pawn to big business, but someone with a real progressive plan to put on the table to heal the wounds inflicted by this administration.

michele, he has lips for kissing up to his rich freinds.
...and I fear, most people still don't get it. As long as they have gas for their big-ass SUV's and plenty of food and drink, their content.

Anonymous, I take it your from somewhere other than the US- and I agree with you- might doesn't make right. This cowboy mind sucks.
How does one start a revolution?
People are so apathetic and fearful of real change. There is power in numbers- when the majority do get fed up that's when we take a stand...aka Viet Nam.
We need real leaders with balls.

I know, honey.

Cheney lets Georgie think he's running the show. Cheney is one scary dude. He's got his finger on the hot button.

Thanks Sunny, come, let's go get drunk.

Zooom, You're so right. Bush is a disgrace to the hard working people of this great country. He's killing off the next generation with his folly and wide-eyed ideals.

Bongo in the Congo? Hey why not?
Most Gov't officials are out to line their own pockets at the expense of people unable to defend themselves.
...and they tax us to pay for their dirty little wars...Uggg.

Thank God for small favors.

Manny said...

You are being ornery rotten LMAO

btw, how do you like my new avatar?

Visit indiansfan sometime. Please.
She works with me and i am trying to encourage her.

mushroom said...

So when they were chanting 'we want bush' in revenge of the nerds they werent referring to dubya were they?

AristoNeeks said...

war is stupid.

there is no point in it.

if politicians wanna fight, why dont THEY join the army and leave the rest of us alone?

i never understood the bully element.

i gather i never will.

Polyman2 said...

Manny- I call it the way it is-
and rotten is one of my best atributes. Love the new look.
...and always happy to visit new peeps.

shroom, No I think they had a different bush in mind.
...but there is that old joke;
that we have a Dick, a Bush and a Colon in the white house.

dzod- Hey that's good-
off with bush!

Neko, It's beyond most decent loving caring people.

FortuneCookie said...

Thank you, Polyman2! Ima come back today.

starbender said...

'We are being overrun by illegal immigrants,

raped by your friends in big oil,

having our jobs exported,

while our seniors go homeless,

our young unable to afford a home,

and we are all taxed to death'

Hmmm, correct me if I'm wrong hun, but haven't we had these problems for much longer than the last 6 yrs?
I don't really spread my political views, but if you look at all the candidates we have 2 choose from-
U would realize that George Bush IS the Lesser of Evils!
WHY??? U might ask...
well, If u ask me, I would have 2 say:

He was the ONLY one with ANY MORALS OR VALUES

He HAS THE BALLS 2 go 2 war! Someone has 2 stop these 'bullies'-
and whenever shit like this hits the fan-who does EVERYONE call???
(do U really want someone who doesn't even believe we are at war running this country???) The ONLY Democrat that will admit we are at war is Leiberman-and the Dem's want 2 kick him out!!!
I will let U in on a secret:
'I was raised DEMOCRAT my entire life and have ALWAYS voted that way; UNTIL RECENTLY--
Ted Kennedy--WORTHLESS
Scarry Kerry--WORTHLESS
John Edwards--WORTHLESS
Al Sharpton--WORTHLESS
Dennis Kucinich--WORTHLESS
Both Clinton's--WORTHLESS
Howard Dean--WORTHLESS
Wesley Clark--WORTHLESS
Joe Lieberman--AT least HE admitts there are terrorists who have called a war down upon us, AND WANT ALL OF US DEAD!!!

As far as I see, Lieberman is ALL the Dem's have.... and they R
So--Once again, come Election time, I will once again cast my vote for the lesser of the EVILS--
and have 2 go with
That is If I can talk him into running ONE MORE TIME!!! is a small piece of forgotten history:
If we R AT WAR (which we are) a president may run for 3 terms, and at the end of the 3rd term, if we R still at war, he may run for a 4th.....


Remember--this JIHAD that has been called down on us--has been going on for the better part of 2,500 yrs.
--check history--
(they have just now involved us)
Keep the fight over there!

...and just a reminder--

He ignored terrorism
Refused 2 get BinLaden
He sold 'TOP SECRET' information 2 the CHINESE (remember,this is WHILE HE WAS OUR PRESIDENT)
...and when asked 2 vacate the White House.... BOTH
Stoled quite a few ITEMS
From the White House!!!
They R NOTHING short of a couple of THIEVES!!!

No hard feelings I hope?

starbender said...

WoW-that's my loooongest comment

Polyman2 said...

Hey Rasta- Glad your back, now pass that dubie.

Wow, um...I see I've touched a nerve. And yes that was quite long.
My turn:
I cheered and waved a US flag like everyone else when Bush called out the troops and we went after the Taliban, but we left that job unfinished for one reason or another (maybe it was a debt Bush owed to Bin Laden, because of the long history both familes had together) or whatever. Then we went on the offensive into Iraq to settle an old score and turned that country into the battlefeild between 2 different ideologies. Those people don't want so-called American democracy or they would have revolted a long time ago. We are there for many reasons
that we don't even know about. Ask Dick Cheney and Halbertan- they know. It is not for democracy!
I am neither Republican or Democrat- is there a difference?
I am embarrassed by those pussy ass
parties that bicker along party lines before every decision, then make the wrong one. My point is that this country, that my father fought for, is being neglected. I know Bush didn't create these problems I outlined, but neither is he helping- I feel he has sold out to big business and they are calling the shots. Look at the deficiet. Our kids will be paying for that. We need another choice and Bush aint it! and we need it fast. Can we last till 08? I wonder.
There, my rebuttal
but I still love you.

starbender said...

haven't touched a nerve, just a different viewpoint-
I'm not really a political person,
I vote 2 keep people OUT of an office more than the other way around!
When I C situations, I C a BIG picture, more than small individual setbacks.
Terrorists: Merely a rouge group of individuals that have existed throughout time....
from Vikings to Street gangs-
rouge 'armies' out of control-
even in the 'ol west- groups like the "cowboys", the one's who wore the 'red sashes'-- BULLIES -- if U will.
the question is 'What do U do with them?' If U ignore or fear them- U lose!

"the helpless must B able 2 organize and overpower" if they can't - they call us, were like 'ghost busters'- The good 'ol US of A.
We've brought the whole world up 2 speed, we're moved by greed, we've become corrupt just like the rest of the world!

Big Business is just that- BIG BUSINESS-
It exists world wide-and it's NOT going Away Anytime soon... (and it's corrupt and greedy as well.)

The deficit-
It's like Monopoly MonieS--
HAHAhaaaa.... How MUCH$?$?$?

It's an imaginary means of control-


Throughout Mankind’s reign, we have polluted every facet of our lives,
--mostly out of greed--
we have created amazing things-
almost god-like--
but ALWAYS end up using them in a 'corrupt' manner--

So the bottom line is this-


*peace* ;}

starbender said...

Oh-By the way-
I luv the pics of george!!!
especially the $$$$$-
very cool!

Polyman2 said...

Hi Shannon, Good to see you.

Star- You are right about terrorists and all that- we must stand unified against their evil.
I pray it doesn't come down to Nuclear shit- nobody wins in that scenerio.
...and thanks, the pics are cool.

Manny said...

Baby I keep hitting you waiting on a new post.

Psst it's not nice to keep a lady waiting. LMAO.

You are a sweetie, I can tell.

Polyman2 said...

Manny, darling... I am sweet and sour,
I would never want to keep you waiting. I'm getting to work as we speak. You know, I like to take my time with most things.

Dino said...

well the good news it we are just about done with him. Lets just hope he does not get the US in anymore trouble than he has so far.

Lee Ann said...

I love that first picture...classic!

Zen Wizard said...

Was the letter to George Bush...or Michael??

I am guessing by the political tone it was to Bush...

Then again, "Bad boys stick together," so maybe it was to both of them.

Lou Reed's Sister said...

How sad that a country so full of people who clearly see that Osama bin Laden believes that God directs his acts, cannot see that George Bush believes the same thing about himself. Zealots, of all flavors, should be ground up and used as fertilizer.