Monday, July 17, 2006

...and the angels weep.

Frightened beyond recognition.

Tears well in panic-strained eyes
as planes roar overhead

dropping thunderous deadly cargo.

Blinding flashes strobe-light the eerie blackened horizon

Burning wasteland.
godless pay dirt.

They are the warmongers
and the bearers of hell.

This is their recipe for victory.

Cry for all humanity

and the waste of life- not so precious
that they take it as their birthright
to annihilate

at will


jin said...


In reality we should never complain about our miniscule quandaries.

For we could just as easily be them.

Cherry! said...

Oh yes, I agree with jin. We're very lucky.

Cool pics and great writing Poly!

AristoNeeks said...


lock them up, throw away the key, re-educate them, then let them free.

arent we all supposed to be precious?

Mone said...

That is a beautiful writing you put here Poly. Thanks for sharing.
I wonder if the world will ever learn...

Polyman2 said...

Sorry it took so long for this posting but blogger wasn't cooperating with posting pics.

Yes Jin,
We have already experienced the NIMBY effect on 9/11. What is happenning "over there" can most definitly happen anywhere.

Funny...why don't I feel lucky,
(time to increase my meds) I feel
such angst and anxiety about the shape of the world, I fear for the world my kids will inherit.

neko, I think so, right now I'm caught up in the wonderful series of books called the"Left Behind" series. All about the Book of Revelation and Apocolypse.
Guess that's why I'm a little fearful about WWIII.

dzod- Right! What is valor and honor when your world is being blown up around you from a unseen enemy, directed by some "fat cat" in an armchair somewhere.

Thank you, I fear this will be my tone in posts to come. Can't keep from thinking globally. So many people are oblivious to what is going on. My posting is a way for me to verbalize what I am feeling.

Becky said...

Annihilation... May not be so bad!

Lee Ann said...

Just wish everyone would live by the Golden Rule....think about it!

L said...

So sad and so true I agree it makes you wonder what type of world our children are going to be living in.

AristoNeeks said...

it's all so UNNECESSARY tho.

but, i suppose its just another "survival of the fittest" / or natural selection sort of process.

can't we all just... get along?

Polyman2 said...

Yeah- But only the ungodly ones.

Then I guess I'm doing OK. Thanks.

Lee Ann,
If only we could all get on the same page in the same rule book.

...and that is "if" we all survive
our current calamities. God only knows.

Makes you think is this the answer to the worlds woes, mayham, killing and destruction. Is this part of the big plan?

Otis said...

All I can say is, you are right.

ZooooM said...

I've been unable to check in on my favorite blogs lately.

While your post is terrifying, it's also something I needed right now. Since the Lebanon thing got crazy I've been on heightened anxiety about war.

Isn't it sad that the US has been involved in the war for years now, but I'd become so immune. It felt like business as usual. Even though I've had family over there fighting - they are back now so I guess I relaxed a little. This is not to say I don't still think about those over there. Because I do.

But it wasn't with the same horror as when it first started.

starbender said...

U have stolen



morbid misanthrope said...

The sooner the end of the world the better. I'm not complaining.

Manny said...

I stay tuned to more International new then local.

I love you blog, but I do have a question.

How would you change the condition our world is in?

How would you stop all the fighting?

How would you feed the hungry? Shelter the homeless?

I just can't turn a blind eye to the suffering.

I don't blame the homeless for drinking. If I were homeless and had nothing I would probably want to stay drunk too.

Should good men and woman do nothing to protect those who are being tortured?

OK this has been more then one question. Sorry.

I love reading what you post. Don't take this wrong. Please!

I just don't know what all the answers to our worlds problems are. It just might take someone like you or I to really change things.

Crap !!! it's Friday night, I'm home alone, and on my third beer. Maybe I just better go turn on some rock n roll.

Sunny Delight said...

poly-you are so eloquent at voicing what we all feel. I have read all the Left Behind books also, they put me through a such a range of emotions, and gave me much to reflect on....

And manny...just one person at a time, doing what we can for even one other person worse off than ourselves makes a difference, maybe a small one, but we do make a difference, I see it daily in the eyes and the smiles of my clients.

Jim said...

STAR the bender sent me here

u portray DOOMS DAY
we want solutions

Dont give up on dis world
dis the only one we gott

there may be no heaven above
no hell below

Polyman2 said...

I guess so, by stating the obvious.
but alas, I have no solution.

Hey zoooom,
heightened anxiety is my middle name. I think as Americans were all
touched in one way or another by world events. Can't turn on the tube without hearing the latest spin or teaser about how fucked up the world is. I guess all we can do is wait it out and see what transpires. Yea, and we do get a little numb after a while.

Thanks Star,
Took me a while to put it down, and of course I feel it is still so incomplete. Thanks love.

Hopefully, not too soon. I kinda
like it here, despite all it faults.

Questions, questions, questions;
What would I change? Well, I would put more power into the hands of the UN, and make them the world police. They could demand a cease fire from all countries or else face real stiff penalties.
-To feed the hungry would be a world effort- all monies going into defense (and offense) can be used to teach people how to feed themselves. People must be taught to respect life in all forms.
I am a former president of a Rotary
Club, I try in my own little way
to help.
An observation- You are a smart lady.

Sunny- I'm into the 6th book on tape. I listen as I drive each day.
It's something else.
...and I guess if we remain socially conscious and do good in our own little worlds- it counts.

I beleive God is in all of us;
therefore we are all capable of making our own heavon or hell here
on this lonely sad planet.

Manny said...

I love the way you think.

I would ask you to marry me, but I don't see myself married again. So would you like to just live in sin with me? Lmao

I am so going to come there so we can drink coffee and hang out.btw, do you mind?

Izzy said...

i agree with lee ann .... start the love fest ppl and do onto others


Gyrobo said...

So much with so few words.

Unknown said...

More than angels weep.
Angels are in our souls...
Hidden from the world.

I love how you wrote this.

Polyman2 said...

I am flattered by your kind words.
I think any man would be proud to have you by his side. You seem to be a sensitive, witty and educated lady. I could eat you right up.
No sin, we would live in love.
...and I'm sure we could find more than enough interesting topics to discuss over coffee or a drink.XOXO

Exactly, I think people and nations take themselves too seriously. And I think we can tone down this thing called national pride and focus more on human rights.

Hey good to see ya. I try to keep my topics focused when need be, or else I'm too flowery and wordy. Thanks.

Ashley, My long lost love,
I missed you very much-
Come here, give me a hug- Ummm.
I wait anxiously for your next post. I've reread all your old ones too many times.

By the way, love your site.
...and yes- is'nt that a nice thought? But if we have angels,
does that mean we also have demons?

Michele said...

Well said Polyman!
War huh, good god yall
what is it good for
absolutely nothing.

The late great Edwin Starr.

Brandy said...

If the world stays on the track it is on now...will the angels eventually run out of tears to cry?

Polyman2 said...

Thanx bud, and I will take a swig of Southern Comfort. That used to be a staple back in my old band days.

Good God yall! RIP Edwin.

Good question. I guess time will tell.

Zen Wizard said...

I love the look of victory in the looks like it smells like napalm...