Thursday, May 04, 2006

For The Love of Money.

The heart of
all good,

and evil
that makes the w

Like a dog

it's tail.
It is what

drives us

to do

what we do;

good or bad.

...and we can never
seem to get enough of it!

"Psssst! ...What if someday,
in the near future, we
out of our bling? "

What will we do

when we're all
dried up?
resources all

and depression sets in?

But, humans truly are such a cool people...

In spite of lying cheating stealing

raping and murdering each other for
capital gains
and religious beliefs,

we truly are a benolevent species...

"Hey Poly- How's it hanging...? "


We never learn,
do we?...

...BUT YET WE Strive
for something...
to say
we've been here..

Poly's been here- X


jin said...

Lately, I feel like that guy in the last pic under the rock.....well, not exactly.....I feel like a sexy chick under the (optimism) rock(s)!!!

Polyman2 said...

Jin- you are, you are!

JLee said...

when the money runs out, we have to look at ourselves in the mirror, and into each other's hearts. Man, you're rubbing off on me!

Sunny Delight said...

Ahhh poly, you have me contemplating the futility of my life....the constant drama of chasing the dream, the the the the.....damn I just cannot seem to find another pessimistic contemplation....
once again another provocative only you post...

Lee Ann said...

X ~ Lee Ann was here!
Oh yes, I love money! But I am also a good person. Maybe that is why I do not have an over abundance of money. Do you think there is a correlation?

morbid misanthrope said...

Mohandas K. Gandhi once said, "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

What would he know, though? He had an enema every night.

Pixie Sprinkle said...

Mummmmmmmyyyy! My eyes have gone all funny!

Mone said...

Only if we cut our selfs totally of from society there is no need for money.Just the way it is since generations...
And as I always say, make love - not war. That may helps to bring some sanity into being.

Cherry! said...

I hate worrying about money because at the end of the day it really means nothing. It helps but it's not everything.

jungle jane said...

oh who needs money. I'm quite happy with a bag of weed and a couple of warm beers...

L said...

Money? What is it?

Becky said...

So creative Poly!

"But the laborer in Zion shall labor for Zion; for if they labor for money they shall perish." -2 Nephi 26:31

ZooooM said...

Most of the people I know employ the "don't think about it until it happens" thing with money. I do it too. I put teeny amounts away in savings, hoping I'll have a retirement to support me, if I can only work long enough and survive long enough to enjoy my dementia years without work to distract me.

And I'm guessing that there's no way to truly appreciate anything until it's completely gone and seems unatainable to you. As long as you had it at one time. It doesn't mean we will learn a lesson, but for the moment, there's a true appreciation.

Anonymous said...

WoW polly~ that was deep babe!
Luv that stack of money!
Did You take that picture U'rself?
(Don't U wish)
That's what I call a stash o cash!

money breeds greed!
I look at people who have LOTS, and I can't help but wonder-
When is Enough~ E N O U G H?


Mystical Me said...

WOW, Cool post!! Subject: MONEY, we all love money & yes we never have enough ever. WE cant live without it, or can we? We have been so comercialized that all we know what to do is live to buy things & buy things to live. But yet we would do just fine without all the money. We could easily go back to searching for food everyday & killing our own food. It wouldnt be fun but we could do it if we had too. Great post!!
Take care, MM XOXO

Polyman2 said...

Hey, back here finially-
so many distractions
keeping me from what I truly
like to do...and that is-
to blog with you.

missed you, thought you'd
gone away for good,
sob, sob.
...My trouble is that
I analize myself daily-
and you know what they say
about being your own doctor...HA!

rub-it, rub-it. (horny frog)

sunny- but it's the futility
that should make us happy-
if it all means nothing-
why not laugh at it all.

Lee Ann,
Frank Sinatra said;
I've been poor and
I've been rich...
and rich is better.
I guess it all boils down to
what you do with your money-
that counts..

Very profilic Morbid;
To quote from Gandhi reveals
your spiritual side.
Although, I fear humanity is headed someday toward that great dinosaur boneyard that even an enima
can't help.

Pixie- No that's me bluring the fine
line between what is, and what really is.

Polyman2 said...

Hey, I'm back-
been trying to get back here to finish replying for days. No chance at work and family obligations take my time at home...sorry, my friends...

mone, that is always a dream I've always had- to get down to basics and live off the land, but it's no fun being a hermit...and it would be hard on the family..can you imagine a 13 year old girl walking around in home-made clothes.

after having made it through horrendous money issues, I feel I can handle anything life throws at me...and I've learned money is not everything.

Jane, my love, Now your talking!

Lori- just colored paper fabric.

Ah Becky- Ancient words to the wise.

Zoooom- I think it's really freedom that people crave, but are sold on the idea from the media, that money is the means to that goal, drives people crazy.
I think freedom really is from within, and absolutely can't be bought or sold.

Le Chitelier- Right again, Duh.

Captain Carl the floating head-
You just want to bury all that loot in the sand and do that "X marks the spot" thing. Huh!, Pirates...
But I think you need arms to dig- Oh well. Good to see ya mate!

Star- "Money breeds greed", the name of my new book, thanks...
I've had enough, but I can't stop
The necessity of need drives me and a 250,000 Mortgage. Money is evillll!

Mystical Me- That's it!
I'm going to load up the car with food and a tent and head out towards the Colorado Mountains for some free living..., How bout it? I make a squirrel stew to die for.

Ice, A trombone? Hmmmm.
I guess I could learn to play,
already know how to drink.

Money is like a gun,
Good in the right hands,
and trouble in the wrong...
too bad the wrong is running the country and the world right into the ground!
...and you are a real sweetheart,
miss you.

Like the song says:
Money money money!

I still fantsize about it, ahhhh, to be rich...
too bad; not in this lifetime, guess I'm just not smart enough.
Oh well...
but I do sleep on an airbed,
bouncy, bouncy.

Mystical Me said...

squirrel Stew, HUH!! Ill have to take your word on it. I couldnt eat a poor little old squirrel, I wouldnt be able to live with myself if I did that. :( Although I would pick up & move to the mountains with ya, as long as you promise not to cook me up some squirrel dinner. You have to understand I had a baby squirrel that I took care of & nursed back to health, thats when I became attached to these cute little buggers. So what we goin eat sweetie? Can you make a possum stew, or snake stew? Anything other then a squirrel?
Take care sweety!! Love always, MM XOXOXO
BTW: When are we leaving? LOL

Polyman2 said...

We'll leave ASAP,
just let me get my gear.
You know I'm a McGiver type-
leave it to me babe, together
there will be no stopping us.
We could be like Tarzan & Jane.

and to what end? Are we truly happy
surrounded by things? I think not.
But still we continue on our material quest.

Video- Me too, months can go by and the only thing I sepend on myself is a haircut and lunch. Frugal? maybe,
I just have little personal materal needs at this point.

Lee Ann said...
