Monday, April 24, 2006

Sex is good.

Sex is good.

Blogging is good for airing repressed
sexual thoughts and feelings.

Do you think Adam & Eve enjoyed more
than an apple together?
It seems there was an awful lot
of begetting in those early days
to populate the world
the way they did.

I did my part,
I begat all I could
in my early years.

How about you?
Any sowing of wild oats
on your farm?
It seems it's a rite of passage.

You know, the mating game,
hormone levels and shit.
Sex is natural;
No artificial ingredients,
additives, preservatives
food coloring, Viagra needed.

I feel sorry for those
who don't get it.

Can you imagine
Laura & George B.
in the sack?

Well, they did it at least
It must have been nice
and repressed.

Oh Poly- Don't start getting all political...
Let's just stick
to Sex...

Oh behave!
I mean love-
and sex;
not just dirty old
hog sex.

but love, with feelings and
the need to share pleasure
with someone special;
To put the rest of the world
to rest, and be human,
a mammal,
in the natural process of
and especially because
it feels
so damn good;
How could it be bad for you?


jin said...

Poly, you said, >>>"Blogging is good for airing repressed
sexual thoughts and feelings."

Shit. I post every day. WTF does that say about me!??!
I just happen to do "foodporn"

p.s. I promised one of my blogfans my next post would be X rated cakes I've done...stay tuned...

Sunny Delight said...

we are on the same page, sex is good, very very good, taint (pun intended) anyway that it could be bad...even if some call it down and dirty...then all the better!

Cherry! said...

I love sex. And love plus sex is even better!

And thanks jin for the x rated cakes!

Fuckkit said...

Sex is Evil
Evil Is Sin
Sins Are Forgiven
So get stuck in

Michele said...

Hey poly,once eve ate that apple
her and adam couldn't keep their
hands off one another.

Mackenzie said...

Sex is good. Good sex is even better. I'm no prude.

Zen Wizard said...

"How could it be bad for you?"

Well--when you look at your paycheck under Miscellaneous Deductions, and see that up to 50% taken out, and realize that even bankruptcy won't get you out of it, the first phrase that pops into your mind is usually not, "Whew! Lucky I didn't jerk off that night!"

Polyman2 said...

Jin repressed? Nah!
X rated cakes sound scrumptious,
I'm there.

Chiteler- I guess sex is hard when parts start dropping off.
-and the Bush's are too busy listening in to peoples' telephone conversations

sunny- you are right, even dirty sex is better than none at all.

Sometimes it is the only outlet of pleasure left.

Cherry, Love + Sex = Heavon.

fuckkit- Sex is poetry.

So true, To go where
no man has gone before...

Blonde Vigilante- even bad sex is good, in a way.

Zen- When I look at my paycheck, I know I got fucked really good...
and no kiss either.

Lisa, and I love U.

L said...

I love sex!
And when you find the one you want to be with it just gets better and better and then you always want more and more sex. ;)

ZooooM said...

Sex is good and natural, in a very unatural world.

And sex sells! Not many things that good for you sell well.

Mone said...

I think if you are with the right one sex is also addictive... and I dont feel bad about it ;)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, You've said it all, and so has everyone else, so I'll just say, I don't think Eve ate the apple, Adam did, he just blamed it on her!

Becky said...

Let's be honest what kind of sex do you prefer, making passionate love, or having someone just fuck the ever loving hell out of you!?

DIRTY IS WAY BETTER! I say 9 out of 10 times I'd pick dirty sex, we all need to calm down for one out of ten times.

Polyman2 said...

Who can deny
the mystism
of an orgasm.

Zoooom- It's Organic!

Hi Shannon,
I love love.
As I get older, I appreciate it more
than just the physical.

But, thinking about it now has put me in the mood too.
The thought of you in the mood
too excites my horney little mind...
Forgive me- I'm so bad
...and your so hot.

Mona- It's my only true addiction-
and long term also...
and I like it!

Le Chitelier,
Ah! an attentive bush!
...and sorry bout your parts.

but she charged it on his charge card
and smacked up his Volvo.

There's always a place for hard, fast mindless ploughing too!
Thanks, It's getting harder
to type as I fantize about all we're
Red hair hah?

That's it, Ashley- You couldn't appear at any better time. I'm ...
aroused, by all this conversation.

Right now, I'm thinking with less of my brain and more of my head, if you know what I mean...hehe.

Your poetry is my kind of talk,
and you thrill me- babe.
Fuck em if they can't accept you,
you are really multi-talented and I wish only the very best for you.

Lady- and he has the leadership
of a tic tac. Wheres FDR now that we need him so!
My mind is beyond dirt.

Pixie Sprinkle said...

oh enough of all this talk about sex being fantastic. Personally I prefer a nice cup of tea.


Polyman2 said...

...and I'm envious of you women-
to hold that power over men. It's
a system of reward and punishment.
What Lola wants, Lola gets, or else she makes life very untolerable.
Plus to possess such software!
I wouldn't ever have to leave the house again.

Ice- We talk the talk
and walk the walk.
...and I'm a big fan of new
fan dangled
electric sex appliances
between consulting adults.
I do self-bondage.!

Shannon-You made me smile first-
Your incredible unimpeachably hot!!!
smile, smile.

Pix- Don't be such a square!
Live a little;
there's always time
for tea. Sip, sip.

starbender said...


Webmiztris said...

ok, now I can't get the image of Laura and George humping like bunnies out of my head. *shudder!*

jungle jane said...

my god Poly...whatevever is that first picture? it looks suspiciously like an elephants vagina.

Pixie Sprinkle said...

Seen many elephants twats in your time Jane?

Mystical Me said...

Polyman, In the first picture you posted, is that a man, a woman, or both? I m not sure if Im spelling this right, but is it a Hermapherdite?
If its just a woman, what the hell is that extra skin hanging off the top? The picture of the Pussy just doesnt look right to me. Am I the only one who see's the problem with this picture?? Please let me know, its driving me crazy. I cant sit here & check this picture out all day to be able to figure it out, lol.
Great post btw!! Take care of yourself sweetie!! Sincerely, MM XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOXOX

Polyman2 said...

I know,
men can be such blockheads,
and I'm true to my gender.
come here...give me a
spacial hug.

I think she dresses up as a Iraqi captive to him;

"Oh George, Your my conquerer!
Come here and slay me!"

"Janey! Where you been honey?
How's the world treating you?
Went to your cave and clicked play
just as my daughter popped in-
Man, Never saw my finger jump so fast!"

It's funny your the first
to ask me what the hell that is.
it does look like an elephants'
but, then again,
it looks like other things

...and hurry back really quik, red.

Pixie- aren't you nosey,
it's Jane and the elephants own business what goes on behind
closed doors. There!
I stuck up for you Jane.

As an amatour pussioligist for the county, let me say;
This is one of those pictures
best left up
to the imagination.
and frankly, I'm as stumped as!!!

Hey Capt.,
How's it hanging?
Oh, I forgot,
it's not...sorry.
Great to see what's left
of you.
Got to back to Janes'
and finish that video-
she's a great actress.
Bye, bye.

Polyman2 said...

Jane- What a video!
Guy's a real dickhead-Ha!
hurts my neck, and I'm scared
of dark places...ouch!

Anonymous said...

*big squishy hug*

morbid misanthrope said...

There’s nothing wrong with not getting any. It’s worked for me for twenty-three years, and I turned out just fine. Oh, yeah, I drank so much whiskey over the weekend, I went blind for over three hours Sunday night.

Here’s another message brought to you by Captain Bringdown:

Herpes Statistics—

One out of five of the total adolescent and adult population is infected with genital herpes.

Infection is more common in women (approximately one out of four women) than in men (almost one out of five).

One in five Americans have genital herpes (yet at least 80 percent of those with herpes are unaware they have it).

About 80 percent of American adults have oral herpes (cold sores).

An estimated 25 percent of American adults have genital herpes.

Approximately two-thirds of people who acquire STDs in the United States are younger than 25.

About one in five people in the United States over age 12 (approximately 45 million individuals) are infected with HSV-2, the virus that causes genital herpes.

And that’s JUST herpes…

This has been another message from Captain Bringdown.

Polyman2 said...

Star, Thanks, I needed that.

Shannon, I miss you already.

Thanks for the wonderful stats-
Herpes- the lovebug.

Theresa said...

Thanks for the reminder Poly. I'll definitely add sex to the top of my "To Do" list.

Mystical Me said...

Morbid, GOOD GOD!! Thats alot of herpie people walkin around, UGH.
I no longer desire to have sex, geeee thanks......!!

Crazy Dan said...

Hell yeah Great fucking job. Thanks for the imaging of Bush fucking his wife although he must have done a decent job his daughter are a nice piece of eye candy.

starbender said...

brainfart hon?

jungle jane said...

Oh god that elephant twat is STILL there. ewwwwww...i'm going to go off and watch my holiday video instead...