Monday, August 14, 2006

Idiom in fatuation

Neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring.
I am enthralled,
and she has captivated me
And I am as weak as a kitten.
But I will rise
to the occasion,
and I will be on
the up and up.
Like nobody's business.
She comes to me
on the wings of an angel.
Reveals herself through
the drunken haze
of a dream.
That suggests
to me that
aren't what
they seem.
Neither hide
nor hair,
like a hen on
hot griddle &
mad as a
But, there's more to it
than meets the eye.
Do we see eye to eye?
Do I place her on a pedestal?
Or do I fly in the face
of love?
. .
I do think
she is one
in a million.
so for all intents
and purposes,
I will stay
for I do know
my own mind
and boast
of willpower.

...and I stay
because she
a mystery to me.


JLee said...

very hot...Poly has a crush! I like the duct tape angel :)

Cinderella said...

That was beautiful, I think every girl would want a guy to feel that way about her, or atleast I do! I think every woman should have some mystery to them, right?



Sunny Delight said...

I love what you have done with these. it makes me feel like giggling (now that could be exhaustion, but I think not...the strangest things make me giggle), yet at the same time...I search for the deeper meanings behind the words, how you have put them together...and once again you come up with the most amazing graphics, someday you are going to have to tell me...does a photo inspire you, or do you feel the words and then the graphics follow?

jin said...

I'm curious about what sunny d asked, too! Words first or pics?

LOVE the one of Dali's wife!!!

Happy Monday!

AristoNeeks said...

she sounds very special.


unlocke the mystery, poly2..

Becky said...

"weak as a kitten" I like that!

Great pic of the lady duct taped to the wall too, lol.

Polyman2 said...

Oh, just remembering back on all the girls I've had crushes on (before the marriages)and how obsessed I could be.
-Then once I confessed my feelings, and depending on her reaction, whether hot or cold, what my next move would be.
-I was always so sensitive and could be crushed so easily back then. The heart is a lonely hunter.

Thank you. Like I've stated before, women have always been a
mystery to me.
-Fortunatly, my only crush now is
on the wifey, and she knows how to handle my intentions- though sometimes not to my agreement-
So is life.
I try to re-experience certain feelings I've had while growing up, so I can write about them and
also identify with what my kids are to encounter.

Interesting question...It's a mixture of both- the pictures, inspiring the words and visa versa- I can never plan it-
it just happens(mostly when I'm just about to give up and delete it all.
-Sometimes I do, then wind up reusing the same picture in more than 1 posting because it triggers so many feelings.
I've always made my own greeting cards to people using magazine cutouts, I think, in a way, my postings are an extension of that.
I hope I've answered the question.

Yeah, I've always been fascinated by pictures (my dad was a photographer), I feel that like the old Rod Stewart song says; Every picture tells a story.
-and I love Art.
Haaaaaapy Monnnndayyyyy.

No one in particular now. But it is funny, when I see or meet a lady for the first time and find myself attracted to her, but can't move on it for obvious reasons. My hot little mind goes into action and I smile a lot.

Isn't that great? When I saw that one a while back I couldn't wait to think of something to use it in.
Think I tried on 2-3 times on previous posts but couldn't make it fit.

Thanks for the kind words all you beautiful ladies!

starbender said...

I luv U'r posts!
They R sooo Fresh!

Lee Ann said...

I would love for someone to write that about me.
You are awesome Poly!

AristoNeeks said...

Eve's kind is then the mystery...

so, what you are so eloquently saying is:

"beware an obsessively smiling Poly... and what his mind may be conjuring"

ZooooM said...

Poly is the first ... uh.... poet? I can read without getting bored 2 lines in. I find myself so excited when I see it's a new post. Sometimes I re-read the old ones, and it doesn't get old.

I love the duct tape wall, for the reason that your words spun a picture equasion that made me look at it and every other picture differently. That is always a gift, one I take greatfully.

Polyman2 said...

Thanks, my love.
I try to approach a subject then
let the muse takes over. The hardest part (as in all writing)is keeping to the original thought.

Lee ann,
I'd love to.
...and thank you.

But only good loving things going on in this mind. I love to make people feel good.
...and yes, women are awsome, they
hold the mystery of life.

I am flattered. Can't say what I do is poetry, but it seems to be the way I communicate on paper or screen, artisticely speaking.

-Just got a new digital camera, going to start taking my own photos- see how that works.
-It's funny, I always read my old posts and sometimes are amazed that I do that (humbly speaking)
Love ya.

Gyrobo said...

Being duct-taped to a wall is for professionals only. I hope you have a license, or I may have to report this to the duct-tape union. They take freelancing very seriously.

NINANINA said...

This blog is a bizarre stretching of reality. love it.
Now I feel so NORMAL :(

Lee Ann said...

Happy Wednesday, love me and the margaritas... sweet dreams!

Hope said...

your blog is so interesting and full of wonderful words and visuals...very cool! Thanks for popping in to my blog world...and I think if you think, you are. or am. or think you are...or something like that. : )

Fleur de Bee said...

Duct tape turns me on!

Polyman2 said...

Everyone has "secrets" that no matter how intimate your relationship must remain unsaid.
I'm sure your "friend" is just saying that as a cop out.

No, here in NY, all you need is a DC permit. It's also good for strapping tape.
This way when she gets a call, you
can always say she can't come to the phone because she's tied up at the moment.

Yes, This is my reality; Welcome.
You seem normal to me.

Lee Ann,
What else could a man want?
Sweet dreams are made of this.

Hope Dangling,
Thanks for the kind words,
I found your world very entertaining. Your words ring true.

I'm finding myself strangely attracted to you.

Unknown said...

This speaks on so many levels. It could be so many different people as well. Like music to the soul.

By the way- you're mentioned by name in a post at my place. Tag- you're it. Play only if you want to...
"A panther. Ready to Spring."

Crabby said...

I am still back on the duct tape pic. And I am near bliss knowing that if duct tape can hold a chick to the wall, there's no way in hell I can't keep the soles on my favorite shoes attached using the same stuff! And here I thought I was gonna have to finally bite the bullet and let them go.

Zen Wizard said...

You seem to go for the really bohemian types.

The older I get, I dunno--the hotter June Cleaver gets, for some reason.

Butchie said...

The duct tape picture is erotic.

Polyman2 said...

I was always partial to soul music.
I'll try to play tag...thx, sweets.

I see, you like the forceful types
that's not afraid to put a man in his place. Hmmm, a hagus supper.

Hey Crabby,
It's the tale of the tape. I beleive there's a book out, something like 1001 uses for duct tape. Go to work gal.

June Cleaver is most definetely a hot momma- and kinky too. Who else would nickname a boy "Beaver".

Hey Butchie-
Hows it going?
You like Duct tape bondage? I don't blame ya.

Nobody said...

VERY nice.

(Poetic little bitch ;).)

I like it!! =)

morbid misanthrope said...

Oh, I get it: It's a poem.

Violet said...

beautiful. i love it.

Manny said...

Duct tape, a material miracle.

I love these shot's.

Sorry I have'nt been around much.
I have been busy and now I am making room for a house guest. I am letting my nephew move in with me. We will have a blast!

See you around love.

Polyman2 said...

Nowhere girl,
Good to see ya,
...and yes I'm that
and much much more.

I think, therefore it is?

Why thank you,
thx for the visit.

I missed you
thhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssss much!
Your so good.

Webmiztris said...

awww, that is so sweet, polyman!

Cherry! said...

Hey Poly! Loved that one! Tres romantic! i don't think I could write like you if I tried! Always a delight to read!

Manny said...

You still have my mind racing about duct tape. Ok I have to go take care of something. *wink*

L said...

The lady they have duct taped to the wall looks like an angel.

Very beautiful.

Polyman2 said...

I like sweet, and sour.

Cherry girl,
Thx, I write the way I think. Things sometimes turn out completely different than what I originally start with. It's a weird proccess. As a matter of fact I just deleted a whole post.

Does it involve duct tape?

Hi Lori,
That's what I thought when I first saw her. A duct taped angel, hah!

Cherry! said...

I'd love to see what you deleted and then compare it to what you actually post

AristoNeeks said...

poly, why did you use webdings to say "drunken"?

MIA said...

Where have you been, I think you leave us all wanting more