Sunday, December 25, 2005

God is....

God is;
the light
that is the spark
of life in a newborn.
The spark of hope
for a world
that has long
lost it's way.
A prayer that maybe
it is possible
to learn from
past mistakes;
to right past wrongs
on a new day...
and maybe
just maybe
that baby
will be the one that
shows us how.

God is;
the light
in your eyes,
and mine,
that lights the way
radiating confidance
that no matter
how dark it gets
inside or out,
or how lonely and
frightened we find
that we do not
walk alone through
that menacing valley.

God is;
the loving hand that
leads a child
onto a path that is moral
and right.
A strong hand the grasps
a drowning hand
bringing it
to safety.
A broken soul
mended with compassion
and love...and
3 simple words
to travel through
life with,
the hardest words
ever to obey,
since the beginning-
sin no more.

God is;
a tugging feeling
we experience
in our guts
that makes us
turn away
when we witness
mans lies, brutality
and carnage
in the guise
of personal pride, flags
and religion.

God is;
if you believe,
and nothing-
if you don't.
But there is
no denying
that we are
all here together
for whatever reason
on this one
wonderful little
until the
day comes
when we
finially get to learn
that God is
everything or nothing
we ever thought
he was.

Merry Christmas World!
JPS aka Polyman2
Xmas 2005


Theresa said...

"God is;
if you believe,
and nothing-
if you don't.
But there is
no denying
that we are
all here together..."

I don't really believe in God, but there's something touching, exquisite and universally true about that line.

Polyman2 said...

Quite frankly,
religion is really confusing to me.
but I do feel there is
something out there...
even if it is what Carl Jung calls the "Collective Unconsciousness"
somehow we are all connected.

thanks, my fellow human.

Theresa said...

My spirituality is centered on exactly what you said. There is something larger and more powerful than our individual selves. It shows itself when we join together and we are more than the sum of our parts. If we pay attention, we can feel it.

Polyman2 said...

We are;
sexual beings-
Mans needs, greeds and passions...
there is no denying it.

Theresa said...

I wasn't even thinking about sex when I wrote that, but ... yep

Polyman2 said...

I can't think of anything but...